Workday HCM and Finance is Live at all UA System institutions as of July 2022.

Workday Student will be implemented over the course of the next three years in two cohorts:
Cohort 1 includes all two-year institutions, and Cohort 2 includes all four-year institutions plus the University of Arkansas Clinton School. Cohort 2a includes the UAMS programs of Medicine, PharmD, BSN, and PA. All other UAMS programs are in Cohort 2.
Latest Workday Student Updates
Cohort 2 is live with Milestone 2
Workday’s curriculum management framework was deployed, allowing greater flexibility in academic calendar planning and course eligibility rules. With this development, Cohort 2 institutions are now creating the Fall 2025 course schedule in Workday. Also released in this milestone, matriculation of new students and financial aid functionality for Fall 2025.
Cohort 1 is live with all 5 Milestones
Cohort 1 reached the final milestone, deploying functionality necessary for end of term processing, grading, and transcripts in Workday.
Cohort 2 Reaches First Workday Student Milestone!
Recruiting and admissions processes have been deployed to all four-year institutions. UAMS, UAM, and UAPB will launch the Workday student application for Fall 2024 and beyond, according to their individual admissions schedules. UALR, UAF, and UAFS will use an integration with Slate to pull applicant data into Workday for student matriculation in Milestone 2. Meanwhile, Cohort 1 is live with Milestone 4, enabling Student Financials functionality in Workday. Course fees for Fall 2024 have been …
Financial Aid is Live for Cohort 1
Financial aid functionality is live in Workday. Institutions are receiving and reviewing Institutional Student Information Records (ISIRs) and packaging aid. In the coming weeks, students will be notified when they have financial aid awards to accept.
Workday Student is officially LIVE for Cohort 1
With Milestone 3, it’s official – Workday Student is now the primary student information system for Fall 2024 and future semesters! Student registration for Fall 2024 is open in Workday for all seven Cohort 1 institutions.

Workday has been implemented as an integrated, highly efficient Human Capital Management (HCM) and Finance system at all 21 UA System institutions. Learn more about the implementation of HCM and Finance (Workday Platform).