No man really becomes a fool until he stops asking questions.
Charles P. Steinmetz
Mathematician and Electrical EngineerYou’ve probably heard that there is no such thing as a stupid question. Some of us would beg to differ, but we can all agree that intellectual curiosity is a value worth promoting.
Apparently, that was the genesis of Ask a Stupid Question Day, celebrated annually on Sept. 28 (unless that date falls on a weekend). The idea is believed to have started by schoolteachers sometime in the 1980s to inspire some of their quieter students to feel comfortable speaking up to ask a question without fear of ridicule.
This theme seems appropriate as we approach our next big milestone in the Workday Student deployment. Of course, we always encourage asking questions as we prepare to go live. More than likely, if you have a question, you can be certain that others will also benefit from the answer.
Plus, there are so many ways you can ask! Visit the Project One Student Intranet to find many helpful resources; check out all of the training resources available through Workday Learning; or email us at
Remember that the System is greater than the sum of its parts, and every individual question can lead to important knowledge for the whole. As the saying goes, there really are no stupid questions except the ones we fail to ask, and now’s the time to ask!