For the gardeners among us, it’s prime time for planting. We’ve purchased supplies, tilled the soil, and chosen the right plants and flowers. Once they are in the ground, we make the shift to watering, feeding, and fertilizing. It can seem like a never-ending process until you see the very first bud.
Gardening requires a good measure of patience and a whole lot of optimism. We plant the seeds, and the wait time begins with faith that what’s been done today bears fruit tomorrow.
It’s a good metaphor for where we’ve been in the Workday Student implementation. There’s been a whole lot of work on the front end to produce an outcome sometime down the road. There’s some maintenance and clean up along the way, of course. But we can have confidence that this process will deliver a better product at each stage because of the seeding and preparation done by our institutional partners from the beginning.
It’s a lengthy commitment, and we may have experienced some pain points along the way. Soon, however, we will be able to enjoy the fruits of our labor. Thank you to all the project teams and SMEs who’ve been willing to get your hands dirty. Just look at how much we’ve grown!